Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nearing The End

Having disposed of those cards, I went searching for the others. Found them. Well, first I found Emily, and we hadn't met yet, so she immediately assumed I was an enemy. She started attacking me with a sword, and we had a nice little sword fight. Then at one point she jumped backwards and threw her sword at me. It started moving and slashing at me in midair. I managed to grab its hilt and used my Enhanced strength to plunge it into the ground. Must be a strong sword, cause any normal sword would have broken if I tried to do that. Anyway, we were about to continue our fight when Dewitt showed up and broke it up. He properly introduced us and everything, so... I guess we're cool now? I don't know.

Shortly after that, we all suddenly wound up at this giant wall at what I assume was the edge of the Board. Five other people were there. There were two Lilim, a boy and a girl, who I assume were the bastards who killed Axiom. There was this Southern-looking guy with a long rope. I'm guessing that was the Hanging Man that Dewitt talked about in his blog, and that Jack mentioned to me. Then there was this guy (or maybe a girl, I couldn't tell). I just him or her... Schle? Yeah, let's go with that. Schle had a few weapons with schler, and schle had a fucking horse. And then there was Harold, who was on a motorbike for some reason. He was also wearing a funny looking mask.

And then shit got real. The giant wall in front of us split down the middle and slid apart to reveal the vast void beyond the edge of the Board. I walked toward the edge and looked down. The abyss bellow us was dark brown, as opposed to the orange skies above us, and there were chunks of floating rocks everywhere. I couldn't see the bottom of the void at all.

Then I caught sight of the colosseum. It was enormous! Bigger that any of the other buildings here. And it was... changing. I kept shifting its form on the outside. And he was there. The Game Master himself. It was weird, like my vision just zoomed in when I saw him, so that I could see every detail. Then a fucking rainbow bridge appeared connecting us to the colosseum. We crossed over and entered the colosseum.

We were in some kind of foyer or something, with lots of furniture. He stood there, towering over all of us.

“It is time for the second phase of the tournament to commence,” he said. “Over the next week, your the eight of you shall be taking part in a bracket. The first fight shall begin tonight. In the mean time, I work like you all to make yourselves at home. You will be shown to your rooms shortly.”

And then he vanished. Everything he said just managed to piss me off.

“Well, this seems like a decent place,” the lilim guy said. “I think I might actually be able to enjoy my time here.”

“Oh, yeah!” I shouted. “Let's all spend a night here at the luxurious Game Master Resort and Casino! And then in the morning, we can all kill each other!”

I needed something to take my anger out on. I turned and backhanded a vase so hard it went flying and smashed against a wall. Not enough. I lifted my fist into the air and brought it back down, smashing the table the vase was on. Still not enough. I walked up to an armour and lifted it up over my head, then I threw it at another armour so hard they both broke into pieces. I then realized everyone in the room was now staring at me. I hate awkward moment. I found the nearest masked person and demanded that they bringing me to my room. I seriously couldn't get out of there fast enough.

I guess this is the beginning of the end. I hate this Game Master guy.

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