Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Thorned Prince

Our group assignment was a meeting with the Plague Doctor. I never learned the full details. I was mainly there to provide muscle in case things went to hell. Phantasm was the only one who was fully briefed on what we were contacting the Doctor about.

Unfortunately, the Doctor isn't easy to track down. We went to a hospital that was confirmed to have a Mad Doctor working inside. One by the name of Dr. Helthead. We tried to make an appointment, but they wouldn't let us in. So Phantasm did this weird thing that made all the people fall asleep. So then we made our way to his office.

He was sitting at his desk, and I immediately noticed there was something off about him. He wasn't human. I can't quite explain it, but I could tell. There was another guy there; some Asian dude with his sleeves torn off. We asked nicely if he could arrange an audience with the Plague Doctor. He turned us down, so Phantasm gave me the signal to threaten to hurt him. Didn't play out very well.

The Asian guy transformed one of his arms into a Bleeding Tree. I've only seen one of those, and they creeped me the fuck out. Anyway, i got in a fight with him, and we were evenly matched at first. Then his other arm turned into a tree and then I was overpowered. Then Phantasm did another weird thing. What little I could see of his face twisted into an angry look, and the atmosphere of the room suddenly shifted. I can't explain it, but he was emitting fear.

The tree guy backed off, and we tried again to arrange a meeting. Helthead said he'd get back to us on it. Better than nothing I guess. We're staying in a hotel until he calls us back. I wish I knew what the hell we were doing.

Wildfire informed me that the tree guy is called the Thorned Prince, and he had competed in one of the Game Master's tournaments a while back. He's apparently gotten stronger since then, and is one of the Plague Doctor's toughest servants.

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