Monday, October 8, 2012

All Of These Dark Dreams Gotta Mean Something

This past week, I've been having dreams. Visions. Memories from someone else. In each dream, I was seeing through some one else's eyes, as events happened.

In the first dream, the Vision appeared before the person I was seeing through. She looked in his eyes, and showed him his destiny... his death. Then it began happening. The event she showed him began to occur, but he saw it coming and was able to barely avoid it.

The next night, she showed him another vision. Another death. Once again, he escaped.

This occurred 4 more times.

Then, just last night, she showed him a vision so complex, that he couldn't survive. No matter how he dodged, or what he did to try and avoid his death, he would fall. And then it came around, but he wasn't afraid. He faced his fate head-on, and fought it. He was almost killed, but by some stoke of luck, he survived it.

She appeared before him again, as he was struggling to his feet.

"You surprise me," she said. "You've defied your destiny, no matter what is shown to you."
"Wasn't to hard," he replied weakly, but still cocky for some reason. Either he was fearless or stupid.
"You are strong," she said. "I would like you to put your strength and persistence to use."
"What do you mean?" he asked, slowly approaching her.
"I would like you to become my Scion," she said. "A piece of my mind shall be sealed within you. You shall gain my power, and do my bidding."
He laughed. He was almost face-to-face with her. "I don't really like the idea of servitude," he said. "If it's all the same to do, I think I'll pass on the whole 'Scion' thing."
"You should consider it a reward for resisting your destiny for so long," she said. They were close enough to see each other's eyes now.
"Becoming a servant isn't really what I'd consider a reward," he said, still moving slowly closer to her.
"And what would you like?" she asked him.
"I can think of one thing," he said.

And then he... well, he kissed her. And that's when I woke up.

I know exactly what these dreams are about. The guy in the dreams- the guy whose eyes I'm seeing through- it's the Ace Of Chaos. The Vision is showing me his past.

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