Friday, January 11, 2013

Fucking Concerts...

Well, I had to get help from the local library, but I figured out what the thing Jack gave me was. A ticket to a Vocaloid concert. In Japan.

Managed to arrive there using the Streams Of Destiny. They let me in once I gave them the ticket. Security was tight. They didn't want anyone sneaking in. Even from the other Domains. These people were obviously aware of the Fears.

The music was actually good. It was my first time hearing Vocaloids, and I wasn't expecting to enjoy it.

'Bout halfway through, they had these 2 Vocaloid chicks, one with cyan hair and the other with pink hair, were doing this really nice duet. While I was listening, I caught sight of Daniel Ferris in the crowd. I decided to approach him.

“Nice song, huh?” I said.
“Yeah,” he replied. “You're... Kallaway, right?”
“That's me,” I said. “Can you understand these things?”
“Yeah,” he replied.
“What exactly is this song about?” I asked.
“It's called Magnet,” he replied. “It's a love song, basically.”
“And two girls are singing it,” I said. “Nice.”

The concert went on for a while longer. Then, one of the hologram woman started speaking to the audience in Japanese. But after she was finished, she added something in English.

“I would like Daniel Ferris and David Kallaway to stay for a while.”

I knew immediately that something was about to go down. And something did go down. I'm not going to explain exactly what though. Daniel says he'll explain it in his next blog post, which'll probably be p sometime tomorrow. He's asleep right now.

Anyway, some shit happened, and Daniel and I split up for a while. I went chasing some assholes through Tokyo before I caught up and killed them in an alley way. I ended up running into someone else in that alley too. It was a man wearing a ToTheArk mask, with short, spikey brown hair. He had a number of high tech weapons in sheaths all over his body.

“Who're you?” I asked.
“None of your business,” was his muffled reply.

He drew two rather large swords and charged at me. I ducked into the Streams Of Destiny, grabbed my sword, and reappeared to fight him. I had the upper hand for a while, but only because he held back. I could tell he wasn't using his full power. At some point, he combined his two swords. Yes, those swords were designed to fit together to form a larger sword. Then the upper hand shifted to him. He was attacking hard, and all I could do was defend myself.

I eventually managed to get a pretty good punch in, straight to his face. His mask split in half and fell to the ground. I finally got a look at his face, and was abssolutely confused by what I saw. He looked just like Daniel, only with a different hairstyle and a really bad burn wound on the right corner of his mouth.

“Damn,” he said, backing off. “Now I need a new mask.”
“You look just like Daniel,” I said. “Who are you?”
“I am Daniel,” he said. “More specifically, another universe's Daniel. This rift opened up a while ago and brought me here. I can tell this is a seperate universe from mine because of where we are right now.”
“Tokyo?” I asked.
“Tokyo was destroyed by Godzilla in my universe,” he said.
“Is that a joke?” I asked.
“That's what the news report said,” he replied. “I'm pretty sure it was actually the Brute.”

He turned and started walking away.

“Where are you going?” I demanded. “We're not finished!”
“We are for now,” he said. “You're strong, and I hope for a rematch soon. Once you're stronger.”
“What do you mean by that?” I demanded, but he was already gone, through the Path Of Black Leaves.

I met up with the normal Daniel later, and we went back to my place. He's agreed to post his side of the story on his blog later. The url is So, I guess just keep an eye on his blog for now. I'm sure the post'll be up soon enough.

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