Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chaos In My Mind

Me; Who are you?
The Voice; Why are you so curious?
Me; I don't get voices in my head often. I wanna know who you are and why I can hear you.
The Voice; I am a friend and a foe.
Me; The hell does that mean?
The Voice; It's complicated. All you need to know is that I can help you.
Me; That's not good enough! I want to know who the fuck you are!
The Voice; Maybe I'll tell you someday. But not now.
Me; Why are you doing this?
The Voice; The real question is "why is the Game Master doing this?"
Me; Because he's a sadistic asshole, right?
The Voice; That could be the case, but I suspect he might have a hidden motive. What do you know about that woman you saw before?
Me; What?
The Voice; What if I told you I know her?
Me; You do!? Who is she!?
The Voice; I said "what if". I sadly don't know her, but I have an acquaintance who does.
Me; Where can I find him?
The Voice; Win, and I'll introduce you two. But I need something from you in return.
Me; What?
The Voice; All in due time, friend. For now, just keep fighting. I'll keep an eye on you every step of the way.
Me; What do you know about this Game Master?
The Voice; Not much more than you. All I can tell you is that you can't fight him. You'll lose. I once met a man who led a small army against him and still failed. You can't take him alone.
Me; But I don't want to have to fight! I kill sometimes on my Master's behalf, but this is too much!
The Voice; You can't trust your master...
Me; Oh, and I can trust you? Huh? Answer me!!!

He didn't answer. That conversation took place in my head by the way. I still don't know who that guy was, but if he says he can help, I'll take his word for it. For now, anyway.

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